Correctly produced high quality glass reinforced concrete products will last a lifetime.
All over the world are examples of buildings, some of which are now over 50 years old still looking like the day they were built.
However a certain amount of repair and maintenance is required even though this is minimal when compared to other construction products.
For owners and property management companies we offer a range of legacy services which will extend the lifespan and maintain the as supplied appearance of properties featuring glass reinforced products
Full surveys and inspections to identify any arears requiring attention.
Advice on any required repair methodologies
Testing for effectiveness of factory applied surface water repellent sealants
Advice on cleaning
Replacement strategies for any damaged units etc.
Classification and monitoring of any surface crazing or cracking
Please reach out
For help or advice on anything relating to the manufacture, testing, installation, repair or maintenance of GRC/GFRC products don’t hesitate to ring or email us. We’re here to help
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